Todorescu No 1 Issue1

(2013), No 1, Issue 1


Project management of international and European programs in the context of globalization

Doru Cristian TODORESCU

Pages: 61-75


Abstract  ǀ  full text


A number of changes in International Relations paradigms occurred through the recent decades: the economy became post- industrial, culture became post-modern and society, post-national. Be it the global financial transactions, foreign direct investment or Internet/ mobile/satellite communications, Master Card or Visa payments, all are grouped under one corollary: globalization. In this framework, there is more and more talk about international management. Europe has developed a new type of international and intercultural management, specific to this area. Within the European model of management there are sub-regional and sub-national differences that exist in the form of various European sub-models: Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Latin, Nordic. An important aspect of program management is the governance of the program. At the same time, project management has become a profession in itself, the market displaying a need for training programs in project management.


globalization, international management, euro-management, international programs, international projects.


Citing Literature

Doru Cristian Todorescu, Project management of international and European programs in the context of globalization, Journal of Global Politics and Current Diplomacy, (2013), No 1, Issue 1: 61-75.




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